5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

Aspire     Python Novice to Pythonista     Pythonista Track 4: Pythonista
Perform development tasks expected of Pythonistas such as debugging with PyCharm, working with spreadsheet data and creating charts, and writing applications that can communicate using TPC sockets. Then, test your skills by answering assessment questions after working with Singleton, Observer and Factory design patterns and implementing iterators using special methods.
This lab provides access to tools typically used when developing with Python, including:
� Python
� Anaconda
� Jupyter Notebook + JupyterHub
� Pandas, NumPy, SiPy
� Seaborn Library
� PyCharm IDE
� Spyder IDE
� MongoDB
� VS Code
This lab is part of the Pythonista track of the Aspire Python Apprentice to Pythonista journey.