5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

IT Professional Curricula     Software Development Solution Area     Mobile Application Development     New Features in Android 5.x Lollipop For Developers
Android Lollipop is distinctly different from previous updates to the Android platform. Big architectural changes have taken place and a plethora of new application program interfaces or APIs are available to app developers. In this course, you will explore new features and APIs for Android Lollipop app development.


User Interface Updates

  • start the course
  • describe the major new features of Android Lollipop
  • manage concurrent tasks in an application using the ActivityManager.AppTask class
  • add screen capturing and screen sharing to an application using the Android Lollipop application program interfaces or APIs
  • use new features of WebView on Android Lollipop

Notification and Battery Updates

  • use the new notifications security and visibility levels in Android Lollipop
  • set metadata on notifications in Android Lollipop
  • use the job scheduler application program interface or API for deferring work
  • dump and interpret battery stats for an app in Android Lollipop

Practice: Notification and Battery Stats

  • create a notification and interrogate battery stats in Android Lollipop

Graphics and Media Updates

  • configure support for OpenGL ES 3.1 in Android Lollipop
  • use the android.hardware.camera2 application program interface or API to capture and process images from an on-device camera
  • use media playback application program interfaces or APIs to control media playback ,including getting album art, on Android Lollipop
  • access media content using the media browsing application program interfaces or APIs in Android Lollipop

Connectivity Updates

  • read and write documents using the updated Storage Access Framework in Android Lollipop
  • test network availability from an application in Android Lollipop
  • use the new android.bluetooth.le application program interfaces or APIs to make Bluetooth connections
  • use Android Beam and the Near Field Communication or NFC application program interface in Android Lollipop apps

System Updates

  • collect statistics on an Android Lollipop app with the android.app.usage application program interface or API
  • use new testing application program interface or API features in an Android Lollipop application
  • use new accessibility application program interface or API features in an Android Lollipop application
  • switch between input method editors in an Android Lollipop app
  • programmatically activate screen pinning in an Android Lollipop app
  • render PDFs for printing in an Android Lollipop app
  • use the new permissions and required features in an Android Lollipop app

Practice: Media and Connectivity

  • control media playback and check network connectivity in Android Lollipop