5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

IT Skills     Software Design and Development     Programming Practices     Secure Programming
During this course, you'll explore techniques that help you secure your C# code, and a number of best practices. You'll begin by learning how to safely connect strings and apply common data validation techniques for C# applications. Next, you will identify why casting in the C# style is preferred to the C style. From there, learn how to recognize proper C# operator overloading, and how to follow the correct way to access internal class data. Other topics include working with loops, and understanding why for-loops are preferred to while-loops. Other topics include how to study concise, focused, readable C# function examples; how to identify the best way to use references and pointers. Finally, as a review exercise, you will create a C# application that casts correctly, uses proper data validation, and offers concise functions and methods.


Defending Code in C#

  • start the course
  • recognize how to properly interface with data in C#
  • demonstrate some common data validation techniques employed to create secure C# applications
  • identify why casting in theC# style is preferred to the C style

Best Practices for Defensive Coding

  • recognize how to properly use operator overloading in C#
  • identify the correct way to access internal class data
  • describe why for-loops are preferred to while-loops
  • recognize how to keep functions focused and concise
  • identify the best way to use references and pointers and why you should avoid raw pointers
  • recognize the importance of good readability for planning and maintaining code

Practice: Secure a C# Application

  • use defensive coding techniques to create a secure C# application