5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

Business Skills     Finance and Accounting     Finance Essentials
Finance is a discipline concerned with the management and control of cash, credit, investments, and assets in a business. As a manager, most of your decisions affect the financial condition of your company. Whether you are launching a new product, offering credit to customers, negotiating terms with suppliers, hiring and developing staff, or purchasing equipment, you are making an impact on financial performance. Your company expects you to be able to play a role in getting the highest return on investments and keeping a watchful eye on reducing costs. Much of the information you need to understand the finances of your business resides in reports and financial statements such as the business plan, budget, income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. Knowing how to read these reports and statements is not sufficient, however. You must have the business savvy needed to understand the linkages between business management and financial management in your company. You also need to know how financial success is measured and how you and your work group make an impact on the perfomance of the company. This program is designed to help you increase confidence in using business finance as part of your management role; understand how finance fits within the cycle of business; use financial statements to examine profitability, assets, liabilities, and use of funds within a company; and use financial information to make sound business decisions.