5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

Leadership Advantage 2.0
Critical thinking is an active process that seeks to carefully consider and examine the true nature of an issue or problem in order to draw a logical and rational conclusion. Critical thinking is not the same as problem solving, decision-making, or creative thinking, although it incorporates and facilitates some of these activities. Critical thinking is one of the most desirable skills for members of today's organizations. Given the vast amount of data, information, and beliefs that most people must sort through every day, having critical thinking skills helps to focus on what is true, relevant, and supported by evidence and reason. In today's work environment, truth, relevance, and reasonable actions are not only desired but required for success. This program is designed to help you recognize the characteristics and benefits of critical thinking; implement the critical thinking stages of intake, investigate, and act; and use skills and techniques of openness and awareness, questioning, and analysis to facilitate critical thinking.