Exclusive Offers for uTax Partners!
COVID and December 2020 Consolidated Appropriations Act Updates
Lambers and uTax Software have partnered to offer uTax partners this much needed COVID and CAA updated tax course.
Are you 100% sure how recent updates effect the 2020 filing season? Let Eva Rosenberg, AKA TaxMama break everything down for you. Learning objectives for this 3 hour CE course will help tax professionals and businesses understand:
Review a summary of 2020 and 2021 legislation.
The 2020 deductions, credits and limits – for preparation of the 2020 tax returns.
The available 2021 deductions, credits and limits – for 2021 tax planning.
The difference between the SBA loans and forgiveness provisions.
IRS curtailed operations during this pandemic.
Tax Update in the COVID19 World and in the December 2020 Consolidated Appropriations Act
This has been a challenging tax year, with IRS shut-downs, COVID19 business closures and job losses, and new tax laws being passed every time you blink – several, over-riding previous laws passed during the year. This course is designed to help you make some sense of the laws that affect 2020 – and to help you do planning with your clients for 2021. The Lambers COVID and CAA Update course qualifies for three hours of IRS CE or NASBE CPE (contact customer service for certificate) and covers the following topics:
- Major Tax Legislation through the December 27, 2020 Consolidated Appropriations Act
- Filing Deadlines
- Routine Changes and Updates
- Form 1040 Update
- Stimulus Payments and other COVID19 income
- CARES Act Issues
- Schedule C and Expenses
- Nexus and Gig Income
- Vehicle Updates
- Depreciation
- Sec 199A
- Charitable Contributions
- Required Minimum Distributions
- Gifts, Estates and Trust
- Kiddie Tax
- SBA Loans – EIDL & PPP
- Foreign Tax Issues
- Taxpayer Relief Initiative
40% off for uTax Partners. ONLY $79
Lambers Continuing Education Products
Lambers, Inc. is a leader in review courses for the EA, AFSP, and CPA exams and also offers IRS Continuing Education for Tax Preparers and CPE for CPAs. Accounting and finance professionals around the world have incorporated Lambers products into their training programs for over 50 years, and our teaching method of illustrations, examples and working problems has helped over 250,000 candidates pass the CPA and EA exams.
Together, Lambers and uTax have aligned to bring a collection of Lambers’ stellar products to existing uTax partners. These products offer numerous features and benefits including:
- IRS and CTEC Listed and Approved
- Wide Range Of Video And .PDF Formats
- Select Live Webinars (No Final Exam)
- Expanding Topic Library
- Updated to Current Tax Season
- Expert Teachers
- 50+ Years of Industry Experience & Excellence
- IRS, CTEC, & NASBA Approved
For additional Lambers discounted products for uTax partners, go to www.lambers.com/utax.