5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

Aspire     Data Visualization Mastery     Data Visualization Track 1: Data Visualization with Excel
Data visualizations in Excel reveal the insights uncovered by your data in easy-to-consume representations. You can identify categorical values, recognize how parts sum up to a whole, see percentages rather than absolute values, discretize continuous variables, and approximate the probability density function of variables. In this course, you'll build charts to uncover all of this information.
You'll start by working with column and bar charts. You'll then create and differentiate between clustered and stacked column charts. You'll move on to formatting and customizing bar and column charts before working with 2D and 3D chart types and customizing them in various ways.
Lastly, you'll work with histograms, examining how they work, what they're used for, and how to customize them to your needs.


Excel Visualization: Building Column Charts, Bar Charts, & Histograms

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • create various kinds of clustered column charts and stacked column charts, hide a selection of rows, and hide a chart using that feature
  • use 100% stacked column charts to visualize the proportions of separate categories and visualize data using various 3D column charts
  • create a basic 3D column chart and illustrate the potential disadvantage of these charts
  • describe the difference between a column chart and a bar chart, create a clustered bar chart, and perform various operations, such as sorting on that chart
  • customize various aspects of a bar chart, such as the axis configurations, the overlap between the bars, and the size of the bars
  • illustrate the use of many different kinds of Excel bar charts, such as stacked, 100% stacked bar charts, and 3D bar charts
  • create a histogram to bin a continuous data series, visualize the counts of rows in each bin, and create histograms for normally and non-normally distributed data series
  • customize histograms using various options, such as the overflow and underflow bins to truncate the histogram on either side
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course